Foot surgeries have changed my ability to be able to handle something like this on my own. Also, changes in my situation have made it no longer possible for me to upgrade my vehicle to fit the canopy and prop panels I had also purchased.
This heavy duty Craft Hut canopy includes a sta bar, the awning, all the walls, all the pins clips, etc needed to set it up. I bought it used and I used it for one fair only. It also had an issue with zippers, so small openings had to be made on a wall to allow zip ties to be used to secure the wall at the end of the day. I only used it in full for one fair, and with top only for another (see photos) after I'd bought it. That night there was a freak thunderstorm and the canopy held up perfectly and no water leaked inside, even with the zip tied side wall, everything else was tip top. However, in order to use it and the propanels I had to rent a U-haul van, and traveling to shows alone with two foot surgeries this just wasn't going to work.
Therefore, I am selling this canopy for $500. I bought it for 650 and used it twice.
I live in SW MI, approximately 1hr 40 minutes from downtown Chicago.
Update: this has sold. Thank you!! :)
Hi Kyra.
Do the panels roll up? Do you have bags for transport? Let me know. Thanks. J. Imholte
So I am very interested. It includes everything pictured in the second photo, right? Obviously not the table and artwork, but all the poles and such?
If so, I'd like to arrange a time/date to see it. I live near Chicago. Let me know what works for you and also how you'd like to be paid (cash?)
Thank you!
Maureen, please email me at and/or I am terrible at keeping up with this thread because I seem to miss the notifications!
To be clear that yes, it includes everything BUT the propanels. Email me and we can make arrangements :)
I'm sorry, I should have replied earlier. I think I'm going to look for both tent and walls. Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know. :)
Hi Jodi, I am not sure what you mean by them rolling up. They have velcro straps so I would assume they do. Also when I bought it there were netted bags for the poles and totes for the canopy and walls and all the extra small fittings.
I would call this an excellent starter tent because it is not expensive since it is used yet it has all the qualities of the sturdy Flourish tents everyone recommends.
Hi Kyra,
Is this still available? Thanks!