I just realized that the deadline to apply to this show is next week, and thought that I'd try to find out what I could about it by checking here. Here's a link to the show info:http://www.swschool.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=487 . The fees seem to be pretty good, and a look at the artists from last year looks good as well.
Has anyone here done this show? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I did King William last year and thought that this might be good to go with it, assuming that I get accepted to both.
Thanks a million!
It's a nice little show, during Fiesta in San Antonio. Well-run, compact, good artists. Not a huge money-maker for me, although I did it last year, had a good show, and had a ton of fun there in SA. Boudro's on the River Walk has killer guacamole. I'd like to go back, and have applied again this year.
I have not done it before but I did apply this year since this weekend was open for us.
Considering this one for 2015. Anyone done this? Dow, did u do it?
$10/adult & $5 children! Seems like that would keep visitors away??? Or does charging a fee create a good filter for more serious buyers
The pics/video looks like a good crowd! Deadline is Nov. 1. The admission fees go to a good cause, Their Arts Council
Hey Michael,
I have not done that one. I didn't get selected when I initially applied, and calendar issues have kept me from trying again. Maybe next year.
On the subject of admission, I tend to do much better at shows that charge an admission fee. Also, with the exception of my local church bazaar, I won't do a show that doesn't have a jury procedure in place.
Dow, you reminded me of something that is second nature ... only applying to juried shows. It is such second nature I forget that it's one of my requirements. LOL
Michael, our personal preference is shows with an admission fee. For us it seems to keep out the lookie loos who have nothing better to do than just kill time. Of course, there will always be some who never buy at a art or craft show, but a gate fee seems to eliminate some of those.