I would love to come up to Atlanta from So Florida to do a show in our off season, can anyone recommend one they like? I'm in Palm Beach County and it would be about a 8-10 hour drive for us. I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida and have always believed the old saying about Atlanta being the big apple of the south, I've always enjoyed it and would love to break into that market. Thanks everyone
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Check out some of the Atlanta Foundation For Public Spaces shows (AFFPS.com) - still time to apply for all of the 2013 shows. Particularly the 2 Ponce shows (one spring/one fall), Peachtree Hills in June and Piedmont Park in August. Nobody runs better organized shows and the booth fees are very fair. Other shows worth checking out are: Marietta Square on Labor Day weekend and Decatur Art Festival (one of the best but the deadline has passed).
Thank you so much for the very detailed reply, I truly appreciate all of your input!! I am potentially going to be at Piedmont Park, so I'm thrilled that you recommend it. I will look into the other ones around Labor Day as well. I'm excited to get to Atlanta, a great town, and maybe I'll check out the Decatur one for next year, thanks again for your response!
Hi Kelly
I am doing the Decatur Art Fair in Decatur, GA Memorial Day weekend. I will let you all know how that one goes.
Good luck at Decatur Elle, I guess the deadline is passed for me this year, maybe I'll see you around there in 2014!
Kelly... I'm the Director of a new Festival to be held In late September in Madison Ga, about an hour east of Atlanta we call The Cotton South Fine Arts Festival. Check out our Zapps announcement to see what we're offering in our inaugural event... I think you'll be impressed.
Hi Tim,
I will look into your show in Madison, I'm not familiar with the area but the name sounds great! thank you!