In my inbox this morning was an email newsletter from Dolan Geiman (his newsletters are always full of interesting info) and it listed his upcoming shows, including Artclectic in Nashville this coming weekend. Having never heard of this event and knowing Dolan's ear-to-the-ground ability to find cool shows I clicked on the link.
If you are looking for a cool show, if you are wanting to know if there are any shows out there with lots of funky work, and good funky work, if you are wanting to know what a good show website looks like, if you just don't even know what your images look like online, if you want to see some of your competition, click on this link for their "Hidden Gems 2012" show:
Then tell me what you think of the show. Does it make you want to participate? Does it make you look at your images closer? Does it encourage you to be more creative? Just askin' here.
P.S. This is not an ad. I don't know these people and have no relationship with them.