I'm getting ready to apply again for a show I've done the last two years. Each year, I've used different photos to apply. Was waitlisted first year, but got in off the waitlist. Second year I was accepted. I won honorable mention in my category that time, so I will have a couple points added to my application score this time.
But I haven't created a lot of new work in the medium I'm applying for, as I spent a lot of time working in another medium. So can (or more importantly, should?) some of the images I submit for this year's application be the same as I used last year? They want five images, and I would like to reuse two from last year.
I have enough previous work that I could submit five completely new images, but I don't personal feel they are strong enough.
Would appreciate any and all thoughts on the subject!
Some artist do. Some do every other year and some when they stop working. Some build on their set replacing the weakest when they come up with something better.
larry Berman
Thanks, Larry - that is a comforting thought. I was worried that the jury might frown upon seeing the same images two years in a row. I like the idea of replacing the weakest ones with something better, though, as I feel some of my newer ones are stronger than some of those in last year's set.
There might be different jurors each year but sometimes the major shows share juror's names.
Larry Berman