Hi everyone! I'm not a professional photographer & I'm looking to buy a new digital camera with a zoom lens to take photos of my 3 dimensional art work. I would like to keep the cost below $400. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which camera to buy? Any suggestions would be helpful:) Lisa

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  • Thanks so much Pat & Robin for your input. I will research each suggestion  then check them out at a store where I can actually handle them. I'll let you know what I buy when I get a chance to shop:)
  • I just bought a Nikon P100, looking for one that was easier to use that my more "sophistcated" Nikon. It does video and you can shoot manually or with pre-sets. I got in on black Friday for 325 or so, but I think they always sell at less than $400. The jury is out (no pun intended) on whether it is good enough for juty photos. I often take my own with my husband's much pricier rig.
  • Take a look at the Canon G12.  Built like a tank, takes video and very easy to use.
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