Another one of those shows that was rescheduled from it's usual spot. This show is usually held on Memorial Day weekend and, due to COVID, was rescheduled to September, like so many other shows. The weather has been unseasonably hot in the Denver area for September and this weekend was no exception. Was it the weather or the change in date that made for smaller than expected crowds? Saturday was slow to get out of the gate with lots of looking and slow sales. Sunday was expected to be a little less hot and crowds materialized earlier in the day with slightly higher sales volume. Some spots in this show had some shade, some had storage behind while others did not. The show has been held in the former Stapleton Airport redevelopment area, now known as Central Park, which has seen a lot of residential building in prior years. The venue for the show has a park in the middle with a stage for summer concerts at the north end. I mention this as there was live music at the show which, at times, was too loud to be able to interact with customers even though it was pretty good. Jim DeLutes does a good job of show promotion and there were plenty of yard signs and banners adjacent to the show in order to possibly pick up passing traffic. There were TV spots and I heard that local stations did a feature on the morning news. There was a wide range of ages at the show. Booth sitter volunteers were in evidence. There were no artist amenities, three food trucks and local restaurants were within easy walking distance. Artists had parking options within 2 blocks or on street. No awards were part of this show, it's an art show!

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  •  Hi Brian, I was also at the show, buying energy seemed higher overall Saturday than Sunday, BUT, Sunday was not crowded, a groupo wanderede into mhy booth, stayed fopr 10 or 15 minutes, and bought a piece, paid for it, asked me to hold it while they walked around, 3 hours later, almost tear down time, starfting to get worried they would not retiurn, they came back, and they bought another! So that made the show for me. 

    As I live in Denver, I did not have travel expenses; much easier to be at home than on the road. SO a better show for me than the last tiem I did it, which I guess is 2 years ago now. 


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