I've already searched this site for previous talks about Facebook and there has been a lot of really good tips and suggestions. I just started my Facebook page and so far the participation has been minimal, but I'm going to stick with it.
I was wondering if anyone has come across a creative way to drive traffic to your Facebook page at an art fair? I just revamped my signage. I included a line that says "Like me on Facebook" and I also added a QR code that would take them directly to my page to "Like" me.
If anyone has had any recent successes I'd love to hear them.
LIKE me on facebook!
I have liked everyone in this thread who has posted their facebook page. I'm just starting out on facebook and need to build up my likes.
Lori, go to this thread http://www.artfairinsiders.com/xn/detail/2160589:Comment:302123 and note your facebook page - everyone has liked everyone else so a good way to get an extra 20-30 likes and to like your fellow AFIers.
That link doesn't seem to be working. Is the thread still there?
It appears to be gone Kimberly. I'll keep looking.
Yes! I just hit 31 "LIKES". A small step toward success. Now I can set up a username.
I've been following a website called "The Abundant Artist". They have some good information about marketing yourself. Natasha Wescoat is an artist that has done very well with her Facebook page. I've been following her to see how she markets herself. http://www.facebook.com/natashawescoat
I use the facebook like page to let my customers know what is new for the season. I try to run specials, I post my entire show schedule for the Christmas season and every few weeks I run a special like" like my page and get a free ornament when you buy 4 or my last show of the season might be buy one gets one free. Find my page at leftpaw creative.
You're LIKED!
Some of my current customers see my work on Facebook and it helps generate repeat business, but I have not had any new business from Facebook. When I sell something, I get my customers to sign up on my email list. From there I send invitations to "Like" my Facebook page.