I guess "discussions" is the correct place to ask this.  My suggestion is "inquiries on non reveiwed" shows would be a good tab.

I look more and more for small, easy to do, decent shows .  Looking for comments if anyone has done the Westormorland/Green county Pennsylvania covered Bridge festival in mid September.   This is about an hour drive from Pittsburgh.  Now in  its 43rd year and at the Mingo Creek County park.  It is juried and the one  show listing site says 1 million attendence which is ridiculous.   

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  • Thank you.  Greatly appreciated.     Its difficult to judge.   I have made excellent sales at some  fridge magnet and wood pop gun shows but........... also have spent all day explaining that a $99 price tag is not an error and its not $9.90

  • First of all, The covered Bridge Festival is in more than one location.  Each bridge has it's own show - some are "good" and some are terrible. I think they add all the locations up to get the attendance figures.  I have done the one at Ebenezer Bridge, which is the best of the lot.  It is heavily Country Crafts and not frequented by art patrons.  I did it for two years and then called it quits.  Yes I sold pieces (I make jewelry) but only the pieces that sold for under $100 - mostly $50 pieces.  The woman across from me sold out two years in a row - painted wooden Steeler Santas - you know bad yard art.  But she sold out.  I'm not sure you would say it was juried - at least not in the way I would mean.  I do have a friend who is an artist who does well there but it is with her art on coffee cups, magnets, coasters...you get the picture.  I would describe it as a craft show and not the fine kind.  It's something to do on a Saturday afternoon.  Three Rivers it is not but a good venue for some crafters in the area.

    • It sounds like Diane's description is why I never heard of it. And I live in Pittsburgh and have done shows for over thirty years.

      How's the puppy?

      Larry Berman

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