This year I am looking forward to participating in the Central PA Festival of the Arts and the St. James Court Art Fest. I was wondering how busy they are and if soloing the shows is very tough. My husband is only able to take a few days off of work but even if he comes he will be little help because we have a 4 year old that is increadibly energetic. These will be my first festivals out of state (last year was my first year of shows) but I did do a couple of shows by myself last year.
Does anyone have any suggestions to make the shows smoother if I do have to go by myself? How much do you normally pay an assistant if you have one go with you?
I loved the Central PA show the year I did it. I haven't applied the last couple of years because it conflicts with KRASL. The thing I liked about that show is that the buyers were intelligent and knowledgeable. The people who live there embrace the show and there is a really good vibe to it. The artists watch each others booths, so getting away for a few minutes was no problem for me. I befriended the college students who lived in the house behind my booth so I used their bathroom. I had a really great experience. I got there the morning of setup, which wasn't until late afternoon and I was scoping out the street where my booth was. I started talking to a woman who was in her front yard. She invited me to stay with their family for the duration of the show. They brought me lunch every day, had a couple of parties, and actually asked me if I wanted diner brought to my booth or did I want to wait until after the show. They were great people. I still keep in touch with them and post on their FB page on occasion.
I do the Central Pa and I also live nearby.
I find it to be a long show because I have pottery and tear down and set up each day. Many of us do that because of lack of security. Of course you can do that alone, but I'm pooped by the end of this show due to the later hours. Show ends at 8pm, add on the tear down, then set up again in the mornings...
There are women in my row doing the show entirely alone, but many of us have our spouses there.
Two years ago my neighbor lady was alone the entire show and she seemed to be fine. Myself, it would be too much (sigh).
Have you done many shows? Do you normally need help with the sales?
My husband helps me; he left for about 1 1/2 hours to demonstrate last year and I was ok. But, again, I find the hours long to do it completely by myself. And, yes, take food, buy some ahead each morning and stick it in the cooler for the day.
Which section of St. James are you doing? St. James Court (the main part) had great helpers last year. Someone checked with us multiple times each day to see if we needed a break. Can't speak for the other sections. It is very busy - the crowds are huge. What is your booth number at St. James?
Cathy Hillegas
We have some members from Louisville, perhaps if you asked someone might be willing to stop by and give you a break. Last year one of our members made that offer to me. I would say that you cannot do St. James totally alone. The venue is beautiful and there is lots of food service. To save money, you might want to consider taking an ice chest with food and water. One of my friends contacted a local homeowner through their section leader and rental parking in that person's backyard for $20 for the length of the show. You might try checking with your section leader to see if they know of anyone in the section that would make such a thing available. There is a local hotel that has a deal of $59 a night for St. James people. There are also several Bed and Breakfast in the area within walking distance.
Just a few suggestions that I hope are helpful.
Thank you all! The suggestions are very helpful! I believe that my husband may be able to take the time off and come with me to St. James Ct. which will help out a lot, and a friend may be coming with me to the central PA festival. I told her that I will pay her if I make enough to be able to.. Right now I have paid for 8 festivals and am quite poor. :)
Also I like the suggestion to pack food. I did not pack anything for Columbus last year because my booth was so close to all of the food carts, but it was so busy I didn't have a chance to get any for many hours and just stood there smelling all of that food.
My first thought was that at St. James your vehicle is so far away, you almost need someone to be there when you go to and from your booth -- BUT -- as at most shows, asking a neighbor to watch should take care of that. I'd also query the shows to see about their booth sitters. Both shows have long hours, so I'd definitely be packing food so you can keep yourself going. How busy? Lots of people coming through at both, solid crowds, steady all day long. At State College you might post on Craigslist to find someone to fill in a few hours. That is really easy to do in a college town and they bring fresh energy to your booth when your energy is running low.
What's your medium? Does someone have to watch the booth if you go to the bathroom? I hope you have great neighbors.
At State College, you can stay at the Days Inn on Pugh Street and ask for a space on the first block of Allen Street. Your hotel will be a half block from your space.
Larry Berman
My medium is Acrylic Paint on Canvas and my work is very realistic. I do have reproductions as well as the originals. I don't know if someone should be watching my booth if I go to the bathroom. I do keep all of my money, credit card processing stuff and keys on me during the shows.
That is a good suggestion for State College. Thank you. I was actually wait listed for that one and a spot opened up so I'm not sure where my location will be but I think I may try to stay at the Days Inn. That sounds very convenient.