This may be a dumb question, but I’m doing the Neptune Festival in Virginia Beach in a couple months. The information packet says can’t bring work outside the scope/style of work submitted and juried, or work not submitted with photos.
Does that mean if I paint 6 new pieces between now and then, in the same style, that I can’t bring them?
New to shows, so I appreciate all the help.
Leanne Moss
In most shows I have been involved with, it means that if you jury in with photography, you can't bring in Jewlery. You can only bring Photography. Common sense, you can't list every item you intend to disply, and 3 photos and a booth shot won't show it either,
Some shows allow a certain percentage of work not juried in. The Michigan Guild has a 10% rule for new work. Best to ask.
Larry Berman
In my experience, the juried photos give the judges an idea of what to expect from your art. If the new paintings are in the same style, there shouldn't be a problem. I've never had an issue doing this. But, if you're still concerned, see if there is a person working at the festival you can email to ask