I was reading something here from years ago and it mentioned Bruce Baker and his web site http://bbakerinc.com/. I was (am) really intrigued but I'm a bit confused if it's still relevant or worth investing (time/money) in. The reason I mention this is for a few reasons... his web site looks old, his link to "Buy all three!" does not link to any product, and he apparently does not have a facebook page that I could find.
So I'm definitely interested in learning the business of art fairs because it seems like there is no real authority "out there" in internet land.
Any recommendations on avenues to pursue would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Even though the pod cast is three years old, its outstanding! Thank you!
The Bruce Baker CDs do offer a great deal of information, but as Barrie said, the absolute best place to find people who actually understand this crazy and wonderful business is right here at AFI.
Post a photo here and the best of the best will help you make your both better than you think. Can't do that with a CD.
Regarding an authority on the business of art fairs... You get authority right here with active AFIers. Everyone has their own perceptions, of course. But you'll get plenty of up to date info from artists, show directors, and administrators in the field. WOOHOO!
Bruce is transitioning his life, trying to get off the road from years and years of speaking about sales, so it is not his focus. I believe his information is still very helpful though, timeless tips on how to sell.
Maybe before you spend the money you should listen to this podcast I did with him and Larry Berman last fall, to give you an idea of the quality of his work. It is full of helpful advice: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/artfairs/2014/11/11/the-no-mistake-art...
I emailed Bruce a link to the thread last night. When he gets some free time he'll probably post a reply.
Larry Berman
I found his CD on selling to be helpful. I listen to it from time to time to remind myself. I didn't find the other two very helpful.