
  • In addition, Robin, Brookside is on a date that has few competitors for its spaces so the jury pool is even larger. But don't be discouraged -- it is a good show with very fine art. Send in your very best images and make sure the application is perfect. Best wishes.
  • Thanks Connie & Larry for your insight. 

    I have heard good things about Laumeier too (and that same thing from local St. Louis area artists..."you have better chance if you're not local" - which I will now completely ignore!! ).

    I'm still relatively new at this, but I have zero chance of participating at Brookside if I don't apply.  The glass is half full, right?


    Thanks again!


  • I don't think where you live has anything to do with how the show is juried. In general, it's a difficult show to get into because they get a lot of applications from good artists from all over the country. It's also part of a three show lineup, all within a few hours of each other, with Laumeier and Old Capitol.

    I interviewed one of the jurors this past year and I was told that the age of the jurors influenced their choices resulting in a younger more cutting edge show.

    Larry Berman
  • Robin, I am sure that the Brookside jury has no idea of where you live and it will make no difference in your chance of being accepted to the show. Over the years you hear this over and over about the art fairs, "they don't accept local artists" -- I would surmise that the people who say this may have trouble getting in "not so local" shows also. Artists are always trying to figure out why they don't get into a show and looking for a reason. I'd guess 95% of the time this one is not a reason for not being accepted. It's the competition...
  • I would hope it doesn't matter, and the focus is on the work, not where the artist lives.  I suppose I hear that (or read) some juries tend to lean toward out of towners for certain shows.  Maybe I'm wrong - and I hope I am.  That's why I asked for thoughts.  Thanks for your response



  • Why would being local matter?
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