So recently my husband and I applied to the Des Moines Art Festival (second try) and while I realize it's so hard to get into that show, I can't help but wonder if it's our booth shots?  Would love to hear everyone's comments on them:

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  • Too high key (too much white). It's blinding when projected in a jury room. Also, I'd like to see more booth, actually the three full walls with enough of the canopy for them to know it's white. Also makes me wonder if Des Moines has a thing against the EZUp because they've had sever weather problems in recent years and have actually discussed banning pop up canopies.

    The opening at the top center and at the top on the right in one of the images makes it look like you are missing panels, or parts of panels. If you're using extensions at the top, I'd remove them so that the booth looks even all the way around.

    All the tops of your pieces should be at the same height and not extend over the tops of the panels.

    About the continuity of subject or common theme. There seems to be a disconnect in the subjects or theme in each booth picture. That would also work against you. 

    Larry Berman

    • Thank you Larry!  That's what I was looking for!  We have discussed all of those things and great points!   We did have a professional photographer come in and take pictures, but I think we need to buy more panels so we can fill the whole space. We have the graphic display panels and we just don't have enough of them.  Good point!

      About the continuity of subject, could you elaborate more? Like are we supposed to paint only one type of animal, something like that, is that what you meant?  

      Thank you again!


      • I may be wrong but aren't you mixing abstracts with identifiable subject matter. Or in the other booth, fruit with people with birds.

        Larry Berman

        • But it's probably not only the booth. What are the individual art images of?

          What you should be showing is growth within your medium, not a scattering of different things you can paint.

          Larry Berman

          • Brilliant Larry!  That makes a lot of sense. The individual art images are of what you see here, a menagerie of stuff we can paint.  That is something I never knew or thought of that it should be a growth within our medium.  Thank you so much for that!  

            So we should be more consistent, not trying so hard to be different.  Maybe just do abstract or just do food, but not mixed.  Good to know!

            • It is less about subject matter and more about style.  Someone should be able to walk up to your booth and see that all the work is by the same artist.  It looks as if you have not found you niche just yet.  Try describing your work as if you are writing up a press release.  Are an an abstract artist? A photo realist?  At this point I don't think you can quite define your work.  But don't worry, it has taken me a very long time to create a body of cohesive work and now people recognize it immediately.  That is not to say that you can never change your style, but it should evolve in such away that is still recognizable as yours.

              • Thank you Jeanne, very valuable info!  

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