Booth Shot Feedback Requested

Hi everyone! I've been referring to this web site a lot over the last few weeks and have found it tremendously helpful. I've finally decided to take the plunge and apply to some local summer fairs with deadlines fast approaching. I've found this forum very valuable in helping me pick out a tent (I've gone with Eurmax as a starting point) and Flourish Mesh Walls. Today I had the chance to set up my booth and take some shots in a friends workshop at his office. I'd appreciate any feedback you have. He's letting me keep it up there as long as I need so I can make corrections and changes you may have in the next couple of days. 

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  • It looks like you have what is called a popup tent.    It is a good choice to test the market because of its low price, but it is very prone to storm wind damage.  I suggest you buy 3/4"  conduit to reinforce the side poles and use at least 50-100 pound weight on the corner.  I was at one show where two of these tents were blown away.  The owner had items that were not rain damageable but you do.  If your tent goes down you loose everything.  You only other choice is to have waterproof containers to put your art in at night.  If you are successful at selling your work you will want to purchase a light dome or flourish tent which can stand up to almost any normal storm.  You will also want to consider liability insurance in case someone get hurt in your display. 

    • Hi, thank you for all the advice. Yes, I am definitely went with the low cost option since I'm a newbie and am testing the market and my commitment. I went ahead and invested in the Flourish mesh walls but just didn't have enough in my budget to invest in a light dome or flourish tent but hope to someday. I will be weighting down in multiple ways and purchasing insurance for the fair weekends (any recommendations on insurance?). I hope to get in a show that's just a mile or so from my house as my first show so I will likely transport my work home overnight. Until I get the hang of all the ins and outs I think that'll make me feel most comfortable. 

  • Look full, neat, complete. Nice.

    For shows, I agree with the post that said the bottom third is a dead area. I put a few things down that low, but you might want to consider a long table you could cover with cloth instead of the two shelves you show here. The advantage is that it would give your customers something to look at which is an arm's length away - plus you'd have storage underneath for your unmentionables (like extra bags, tools, a cooler with your lunch). Just a thought. Otherwise, looks very nice and inviting. 

    • Great point about having a space to stow things away. I'll have to consider how I want to handle that. I think keeping things out of the bottom third makes sense and will keep that in mind as I hang things for the shows. It'll probably give it a cleaner, less cluttered appearance too. 

  • Eurmax is a good tent, The heavy one.  Try the water weights because in a pinch you can dump the water to make it easier to dolly out.  I also carry a couple of empty cat litter jugs  and some regular weights, in case of high winds.  

    Andrea Olson

    • Yes, this is the heavy one. It came with weights you fill with sand but I'm not going to rely just on those. The water weights are a good idea. 

      • The one weak point of the Eurmax brand is the heavy grey plastic parts used in the products. I was in tornado winds all around, in Dunedin Fl. in Nov. and the D rings on the corners ripped out (extra weights).  A plastic part in the leg assembly also went.  I recently bought a exact replacement.  It's the heaviest tent that this old lady can handle by herself! 

        Do not screw the tops on the water filled weights too tight.  I broke 3 of them and had to order replacements.  Make sure when you transport them they are standing upright.  They will leak if they are not upright.  Good Luck 

        • Hmmm...good advice. Glad to hear you like the tent and replaced with the same thing when you had a severe weather situation—I'd say that's a good indication that you think it's a good choice!

  •  It looks great to me. Good Luck!

    • Thank you Donna! Do you like the head on shot or the one at an angle?

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