hi there! i'm new to this site so excuse me if i'm asking a question someone has already answered..here's my question. i make jewelry and like to travel to areas that are way too far for me to drive. what's the best way to get my booth to my location without having to check it? i'm mainly concerned about the tent since it's so heavy. if anyone has any suggestions, i would love to hear them. also, on average, to make a decent living, how many shows should i be doing a year? how many do you do? thanks for the info! best, jessica

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  • What kind of tent?

    You can ship it or buy a canopy at a local Costco or Sam's Club when you get to a location. Even if it's out of season, you might be able to order it online and have it delivered to the warehouse close to where the show is.

    I'm also trying to get artists to offer their display items for rental when they aren't using them.

    Larry Berman
    Digital Jury Services
    • How far a distance are you looking to travel? Some people try to book a few shows in an area to make the driving worthwhile or look at indoor shows where you don't need a tent. You can always rent tables and jewelry is easy to transport. The most I've traveled for a show is what I can drive in a day - about 6 hrs or so. I am thinking about Florida for next winter, but I would drive down, do several shows and then drive back.
    • hi barbara! how do i find out about air cargo?
    • hi larry, so i should purchase a new tent everywhere i have to travel? what do i do with it when i'm finished with the show? should i return it? i'm going to be in ft lauderdale and didn't see anyone renting their tents but that's a great idea! best, jessica
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