Anybody know anything about the Bedford Barrow Commerce Block Association Fine Art & Fine Craft Show? It's been around a long time, but I can't find much on it. They claim 10,000 visitors, which would be fantastic, but has anyone actually done it? Any info is most welcome - thanks!
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After a lot more research I decided to take on chance on this show. It seems to be well regarded by attendees. Tried to post a review on the sister site, but it wouldn't take, so I'll add my 2 cents here!
PROS: Decent quality of art and hand crafts, not outstanding, but solid. They definitely kept it all hand made. Easy access to rest rooms. Nice vendor neighbors.
CONS: It is NOT an Art Fair! It is billed as a "Fine Arts & Fine Crafts" show, but it is actually a lively block party/food festival that draws a crowd to eat, drink, socialize and listen to the live music. Good and steady traffic (5,000?) for this well regarded Greenwich Village show set on narrow, leafy streets, but almost no interest in the art on display.
Pre-show communication was nearly unintelligible, as if we were expected to know all this stuff already. (i.e., different instructions for "street" versus "sidewalk" vendors, but we weren't told which one we were!)
The coordinator was virtually unavailable for the first hour and a half of set-up, leaving vendors to figure out for themselves which way to face tents, out of three possible options. On my block we set up along the building line facing the street, which made the most sense, especially as my supposed 5' space was only 4.5' at the curb, hemmed in by a mailbox.
Just before opening the coordinator made us move forward to the curb, a big inconvenience as my display is quite vertical and not easy to move. Thankfully several kind vendors came to help me, but it should not have been necessary.
We were also promised a web page featuring the artisans, and of course that never happened. No attempt was made to draw in an arts audience at all. Our vendor fees supported a block party and block association fundraiser, and we were just kind of added entertainment.
The coordinator has been doing this many years, and really knows how to throw a good party. Excellent, mellow bands, lots of food trucks, about 20% of total area given over to cafe seating/food court/stage. About half a dozen people hired to continuously circulate and sweep the street. A lovely opportunity for neighborhood residents and visitors to hang out and socialize. But not an art show.
Fees of $85 for 1/2 space plus $30 "jury" fee (and not really juried, of course - just reviewed to make sure nobody was reselling) totally unjustified.
ADVICE FOR OTHERS: I won't presume to give others advice - most of you have been doing this far longer than I have. But I WILL give myself advice: NO MORE SHOWS with food, drink, live music, and face painting! If it looks like a street fair and smells like a street fair, it's a street fair!
I've posted this before. One of my rules. Never do a show in a theme park because they sure aren't there for the art.
By theme park I mean anything where the focus isn't on the art.
And I've made that mistake more times than I can remember.
Larry Berman
Yup - totally agree. I broke my own rules (no face painting, no live music, no food and drink, no car shows) because the show seemed so well regarded, and it's in my old neighborhood - seemed like it would be fun. I didn't do as badly as other vendors, but definitely not worth the effort. Am kind of dreading next weekend at the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit - I wonder how much that show has declined in its standards and caliber of attendees!
I actually did it twice about 25 years ago so it wouldn't be relevant. But like any NYC street fair, they are not that particular about what they let in. You could be set up next to someone selling sun glasses.
Larry Berman
Uch, this upsets me. I am so OVER these supposedly juried (or at least "curated") shows turning out to be crapfests because they need the table fees. Thanks for the feedback!
I've been greatly enjoying your input around the site, and the wealth of info on your site. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge!