I'll write about my Artigras experience... I am a dummy sometimes. It was an all day set up on Friday, said the instructions. But when I first read it I thought it said AFTER 5... We worked all day, got loaded and left at 10 to 5. I re - read the directions, its very specific what entrance you pull up to. Found that it's a real problem when you read to fast and I almost lost my booth! Instead of being early, we were late. The director was so kind and allowed us to do a Saturday set up. It's completely gated so that opened at 7:05am. We were in line.

Weather was gorgeous. I was nervous. I get nervous now from sales. Set up in a great spot. Sun all day. Cardinals practicing behind us & muh boy got 2 baseballs! The food in the morning, the lunch, the snacks, they gave it to you. We always pack a 3 gal of lemon water and food so it never matters, just nice.

Saturday made me even more nervous. I hate that. We did do some nice sales but I expect to much maybe. Sunday was really nice. Sales were fast. Doubled Saturday. Nervous faded and being happy with what we did is nice but I was really grateful for Monday. No school meant lots of families. We sold all day.

Cash was King for some reason. Everyone had it. We do deal some and expect it. Lots of kids & & young adults taking pictures. For the last 5 years we were hard core no picture but 'can't beat Em join Em' kinda thing and we made Facebook & instagram hash tags to post and share. They love it. And really if someone wants a picture they will hide behind a shrub to get it. I also have a wall they can stand and take pictures of themselves. Oh how people love to take selfies in our work. I hand them a card and ask them to post it & hash tag me!

We had our best show yet in Florida. It was close - between Artfest Ft. Myers - Delray those were nice shows. We were grateful. I still can't afford a fish dinner, but we have poles and we catch our own. Caught a nice Mackerel the other day...

Take down was good. Mike got in line and pulled right up. He's really fast and we sold well so we didn't take long. We stay in the area for these few shows through March so drive home was 35 minutes. The other artists that were so kind to my kids - Thank you! The Living Sea gave her an image. Another artist gave her the most beautiful pair of earrings but I'll be darned if I can find that card.

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  • So there you go! Someone making money at Arti Gras! Sounds like you had a great time and congrats on the good sales. Have you done Florida shows before?

    I love the idea of if you can't beat 'em, join 'em -- got any shots you can share of the people doing selfies in your booth? That is such a good idea and adds to the fun of the event for them, bringing them back next year.

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