Hi All,

Connie suggested I start a discussion for my Weekend Art Market starting this Memorial Day weekend and running through Labor Day weekend.

I have commented on it in her blog, but will give the gist here as well.

I am an artist that has property on a highly traveled stretch of road known as the "Blue Star Highway." It is between South Haven and Saugatuck on the Michigan lake shore. It is a tourist main thoroughfare to Saugatuck from Chicago. People are looking for interesting places to stop along this route. 

I am an artist starting this venue for artists.

It will run Saturdays and Sundays 10-5.

Cost is $25 a day for a 10X10 space--no jury fee or commisions.

Since lodging is costly in the area, I offer a restroom and indoor floorspace for sleeping bags at no charge.

Cookouts in the evening!

I want this to be profitable and enjoyable for all.

Connie just gave the word on her site this past weekend and the responses are coming in. Everyone agrees it is a great idea.

I will do my best to make it a great event or even a destination.

Any questions or comments are welcome.

For more info email: artonthestar@yahoo.com

or call me directly: 269-543-4020

all the best to artists!

Damian Koorey



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    • Thanks Damian! Nice Job posting the pictures! I'm going to keep in touch. I should think you would get many requests for spaces. This seems like a great alternative to the high booth fees and complications of filling shows every weekend. If the traffic is good and you can get the word out, what's not to love? I'm hoping for a weekend or two in August, unless I sell out before then! If I do, we will then visit as patrons!
      Thanks again, Amy
  • You're Welcome Damian! And yes, please do post pictures of the scenery and the events! Also, keep posting them on AFI to remind artists that you are out there building your Artist's Market. Good Luck!
  • And here is something that I don't think has been mentioned -- this is not some town that is saturated with art fairs -- true, they are nearby, but people out driving on the weekend, on vacation, or with second homes in the area, may not be show up at a one of the regular art fairs...but if something catches their eye, they'll put on the brakes, or come back later. It is an alternative marketing opportunity.

    • Thanks for pointing that out Connie. Art on the Star is a different approach to selling quality art. I like to think of it as a venue for the "Grand Touring" crowd. People who are our out for a pleasant ride down a scenic road in beautiful weather just for the pure enjoyment of it. 

      Two comments from this weekend stand out in my mind: The first from a couple on a motorcycle who passed the market and turned around an came back. I commented, "Beautiful day for a ride!" as they dismounted and he replied, "You bet it is. And we intend to enjoy it, slow and easy. No 70 mph highway stuff for us." They looked at everything and he bought a ring for his partner, which she proudly showed to everyone and off they went--happy! The second comment was from the person who bought the two large stainless sculptings. As we were closing the rather expensive deal he said wryly, "You know, I wasn't looking to buy art today. Then I saw your little "Art Ahead" sign and the sculptings and we had to stop! We were just out for a pleasant ride--little did I know it would be a costly ride as well!" Now I have often heard those kind of words in my store in Saugatuck, but now they were happening "roadside" without the crowds, the fight for parking, and all the noise and bother of a small village packed beyond capacity. They simply strolled back to their car fifty feet away and off to St. Joes they went--happy!

      Both of these examples of sales (one small and one large) from one weekend--our first--prove your words true: "...but if something catches their eye, they'll put on the brakes..."


  • I've only been participating in fine art fairs for 6 years or so. Some of the best advice I think I've ever gotten was to stick to the art fairs along the water. Without fail, they are my best shows. My fairs are scheduled through July only this year, so I'm thinking of extending my season a weekend or two in August and bringing our camper down. What a wonderful time, to camp along the shores of Lake Michigan, pop a tent, and maybe sell a few paintings!

    I wish you the best Damian and I hope your vision of the Artist's Market becomes everything you dream it can be. It sounds like you have a great location for it and definitely the right spirit! Good luck and I hope we meet you in August sometime!
    • Thanks Kathy, Elle and Amy for the support, encouragement and well wishes! Thanks Connie as well, for the site and quick work for Art on the Star. And thanks Ruth(and Dave) for having the courage to try a new venue. I think as Kathy indicated, it will only get better as the summer progresses. By the 4th of July weekend the traffic should be immense. And as people get used to us being here, more and more will stop, look and hopefully purchase. And again as Kathy noted, the percentage of sales to lookers was quite good. After being here in the Saugatuck area for 20 years as a jewelry design retailer, I know full well, all it takes is one good person who likes your most expensive item and you can call it a day(or week, or month). And yes we did sell the two most expensive pieces in the show--two stainless 7 foot sculptings-- Sunday--for cash. They were delivered to St. Joe and then shipped on to their new home in New Mexico. That is what this lake shore area is capable of---all it took was one Mercedes driver seeing the art signs/sculptings and stopping. That is why I  believe in a QUALITY art market here--it is my goal. It may take a month, six months, or a year for it to flourish, but I am convinced this location can achieve it and more.

      I am also adding a minimal one time jury fee of $25 to all participants. I will monitor the quality both at application and at setup, to make sure Art on the Star offers high quality, handcrafted art to any and all who might be interested.

      If a PC illiterate like me can figure out how to posts some pics here of the show, I will do so.

      Thanks again to all who came--it was fun weekend for me!


      • No problem Damian~we'll be seeing you as soon as our schedule allows.  We appreciate high quality Art Fairs, as that is all we do.  I agree we need to keep it UNIQUE with quality ART, & definitely with some high-end such as the beautiful sculptures that sold.

        Thanks again, Kathleen V. Smith & Steven Hedstrom

      • We would absolutely try it again - I think fine art and high end is the way to go rather than volume of small stuff.

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