Even though I've been in this business since about four recessions ago I still love attending art fairs and when the weekends roll around I wish I was in Armonk, or Chicago, or Seattle or New Orleans, or Stamford. There are so many events of such different personalities. The one happening this weekend is Kentuck in Northport, Alabama. It is known for its "outsider art" and is supposed to be a collector's paradise. Here is a story about it: http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20111014/NEWS/111019851
How about you? Which one is attractive to you? There is nothing like a busman's holiday.
Any help/suggestions are more then appreciated!!!
I'll have to see if I can find one Melanie - each regional art group puts out a calendar - but I don't know if there is one for the whole of Australia, or even state by state. I'll enquire though...