Last weekend there was an art fair in Michigan that advertised itself as a Top 200 ranked show in the Sunshine Artist rankings, ostensibly to attract artists to apply. Here's what I heard from SA General Manager, Joe Halbrucker in response to some hilarious images from the show posted on artist Carroll Swayze's Facebook page:
Caroll, I am so glad this was brought to my attention by more than 1 person. The ________ show sounds like it has become the epitome of cheesy, bad, just "take your app and booth fee" show.I have to set the record straight and ask that you please do as well. It actually adds fuel to your statements. The _______ show has NOT been on our 200 Best list since the 2005 show ranked 63 in 2006. I feel that they are misleading not only artists but the general public. Their site says that they rank with us. However, they have our name wrong and don't say it was 7 years ago. We all know that things are not the same today as they were then. So, if you went to their site as an artist and saw what looks like a recent endorsement from us, it hurts our credibility. Even though it's artists that vote and rank the list each year. We are in the process of asking them to put our name correctly on their site along with the year they ranked. There is a different Laurel wreath 200 Best show logo we officially release each year. Shows on the list clammer to proudly post it. If there is no logo, I would question. If _______ doesn't correct it soon, I will be posting on our Facebook Page. It's bad enough we have buy/sell people saying they are Sunshine reporters and want to Jury in to shows, Now I have shows misleading the artists? Thank you for your post. I'm not sure how long it would have taken for us to find their misleading website.
So, let this be a warning to all of you, double check the ratings before you apply to a show. If you can't trust the ratings, who can you trust? Be diligent in your research.