This came from Archie ..... for all of you  .....


I have been simply bowled over by the virtual tidal wave of caring, prayers and support which you, my fellow artists, have bestowed upon me.  I am so very blessed to be the recipient of such caring and support by so very many people, many of whom I have yet to meet.  It has been a most humbling yet uplifting experience to FEEL the support of so many well-wishers.

Many of you have asked for an update on my situation, so here is a brief one.  The little finger was mangled, but not cut all the way through – it will be ok.  The index, middle and ring fingers were cut through the first knuckle from the hand and left dangling by small strips of flesh.  There were other cuts but this was the worst.  The thumb was, thankfully, untouched.  The wonderful young surgeon is a hand specialist and worked on the hand for five hours.  He was not able to save the shattered middle finger and took it off at the hand.  On the ring and index fingers he removed what was left of the knuckles, pulled the two ends of the bone together (making them noticeably shorter) and fused them together with metal strips and screws.  He told me that the next couple of months were critical and that if I did not take good care of them and let them heal that I could easily lose the two reattached fingers.

THIS is where so many of you come into the picture.  With your support I will be able to take the time for this healing process.  I have canceled my shows until mid Oct.  Then, with the good doctor’s permission, I plan to return to my show schedule – BECAUSE OF YOU.  Your financial support will allow me to hire someone to set up and take down my booth.  Your help will help me to help myself – and isn’t that what “a helping hand is all about?”

I realize that this may sound trite and self-serving, but it happens to be the truth – I can’t wait to get back on my feet so that I will be in a position to help others as they have helped me.  I have firsthand knowledge of being in a position of needing help and having so many people came to my aid.  Your heart becomes so full of gratitude and thankfulness.  What better example can you find of the expression that “we are all in this together?”

I thank Bill for sending this out for me.  Writing and typing are somewhat difficult for me right now, so I may not be able to get all of the thank you notes out that I would like, but PLEASE KNOW that I am TRULY thankful for each and every one of you, my artist family and community.

Archie Smith

Archie Smith Instruments

PS – back in surgery tomorrow for a skin graft.  Would appreciate any good healing thoughts and prayers that you might be inclined to send my way.


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  • Archie

    you mention your website but never give the address...

    please do



  • Hi Archie, I just spoke with Kate at Long's Park. She told me that you had spoken with them on Monday and the check is in the mail. Sounds like the perfect solution. Right?

    Best wishes...

  • Ron, any update on the skin graft?

    • hi jacki,

      talked to the doctor today and he said that skin graft went well.  Says all is ok so far and that he is ok with my plan to hire someone to set up and take down my booth - allowing me to bow and demonstrate my instruments.  Thank you and all of my fellow artists so very much for your generosity in providing me the wherewithall to make this possible.  This help from you allows me to help myself.

      I have lost one finger, had two reattached and one mangled but sewed back together, facing skin grafts, months of physical therapy etc, and yet I feel so very fortunate and blessed, for I have been made aware of the fact that I am a most fortunate member of a truly special community and family of artists.  This is a family who really understands and stands by each other.  They truly understand "where we are coming from".

      As I have mentioned in other posts, this may sound "corny" and trite, but it is true - I really cannot wait to get back on my feet so that I will be able to help other artists who find themselves in a similar situation and help them as they have helped me.  Until someone has gone through a similar situation, I am not sure that they can truly comprehend how fortunate they are to be a member of such a wonderful and remarkable family and community of artists. When you find yourself facing unexpected and very real problems, you realize, to your eternal gratitude, that you are surrounded by true friends, some of whom you have met and some of whom you have yet to meet who REALLY understand the challenges that you are facing, and who selflessly come to your aid and offer the support that they know that you need, because they understand the business and know what you need in order to survive. 

      I truly hope that you never have to face this situation, but please never loose sight of the fact that your absolutely wonderful support system is there and that there are so very many fellow artists who truly understand your situation because they live it day in and day out and who are there to support you as you are to there to support them.  Who would deny that we artists are truly blessed by our artist family and community.  Let us always count our blessings and realise how truly blessed we are by each other.

      Archie Smith

      • Archie, so glad to hear the update and your plan to jump back into your shows as soon as you can.  Even though a number of us have never met you, we care deeply for our fellow artists and you can bet that that sawblade cut into our hearts for you when we read about your injury.  Hopefully, on the upside, you will be able to demonstrate that the psaltry is in instrument that can be plated without as much manual dexterity as some of the other instruments, and that may be a good selling point.  Please keep up the good attitude and hope to run across you at a show sometime!

      • Good news from you, Archie. Who would have thought that just three weeks later you'd be reporting this? I'm sure you must have thought it was over at the moment of crisis. This summer photographer Nels Johnson went through a rough health period and asked for help from this community and people showed up at all of his events to help him put his booth up and take it down. I know if you were coming near me that I'd be there to help. Also, I'd bet most of the show organizers would be pleased to find someone for you from their volunteer base.

        No surprise that the community has come to your aid. This business makes us dependent on each other in so many ways. No one does a show alone, you hope for good booth neighbors as our work impacts the neighbor's our behavior impacts each other also. The little cities that spring up are wonderful villages full of creative people, people brave enough to be on stage and in the spotlight, "hostages to fortune."

        It sounds as though your bowing hand is intact, right? You hold the instrument in the injured hand and play with the other? So your main problem is going to be the construction of new instruments. I hope you have enough stock so you can take time to heal really well. Thanks for all the thanks and the updates.

        • Hi Connie,

           I have a question that I would like to throw out there.  It is kind of a delicate situation and I certainly do not want to do anything that would endanger my chances of getting back in this show, but here is the situation for which I seek your sage advice and council.

          I was accepted into the Long's Park Show over Labor day.  On Aug. 24th, I had my accident with the table saw.  I was in the hospital for several days including the ICU.  As soon as possible I called the folks at Long's Park and explained that, because of my injuries I would not be able to attend the show.  I called as soon as I could so that they would be able to call someone off of the wait list.  At the time that I called, they were very busy getting ready for the show, and I was told that as soon as the show was over they would call me and discuss their refund policy. 

          It is now Sept. 16th -the show was over on Sept.3rd. and I have heard nothing.  I have emailed several times and stated that if I "had my druthers, I would really prefer for them to keep my booth fee and apply it to the 2013 show."  At this point, I really don't know what to do.  The folks at Longs park are really great and I certainly do not want to offend them and endanger my chances of being accepted in 2013, but I really do not know what to do.  I have emailed them several times, but have received naught but silence.

          If they would allow me to transfer the booth fee to 2013, that would be great, but, if not, I would like to know.  As  you know, I have had to cancel my shows through the middle of October, and, if I cannot transfer my booth fee to 2013, a refund would be most welcome.  I do not know the refund policy at Long's Park and have been unable to find out what it is because I have been unable to talk with anyone there.

          Knowing the good people at Long's Park, I feel sure that I have simply fallen through the cracks, but I have been unable to contact them and, at this point, I do not know what to do to address or how to go about solving this problem.  

          As I mentioned before, this is a delicate situation and I certainly wish to do NOTHING to antagonize or offend the good people at Long's Park or jepordise my chances of being accepted for 2013.  I just want someone to talk to me, as they said that they would, and explain the refund policy.  I even sent photographs of the injuries to my hand and will be most willing to provide both  pre and post surgery x rays of the injuries to my hand.  Believe me, I would have much rather been in Lancaster over the Labor day weekend than sitting at home keeping my hand elevated and taking oxycodin for pain.  

  • You are in our thoughts and prayers continually Archie!! This will be a long process, but with care you will heal.

    Glad you can hire helpers, and not loose out on all those shows & expenses already booked/paid out, and stll keep income coming in, while you rest and recuperate!!

  • Thanks for the update.  I have been thinking alot about you, Archie.

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