I avoided the show for 12 years and usually did the Farmington Art on Grand but they changed dates as many of you know and so I returned to AA. Although "accepted" the guild did not call with an opening and so I opted for a King's Court "premium spot". Big mistake. Nothing happening there and although I supposedly saved $300 on my space it should have been free. Even McKelvey "Pubs"(next to me) was way down. And of course the weather was the capper (or should I say crapper).
Below I added my art statement on the BP oil stuff for your consideration.
Patricia Hecker said:
As I said although "accepted" I did not get a call for a Guild spot and opted to do this other seemingly good space. I did AA for 20 years and for many reasons let it go 12 years ago and so far I find it less inviting than then. My hope was that with all the new themes and editions (now allowed) an expanded midwest audience would respond. This crowd was too thin,too young,too broke, in a hurry, and of course there were the other beyond our control issues. So if I even reconsider the event it will have to be with the Giuld or the state street merchants but I'm incline to dismiss the whole thing at this point.
was next to sidewalk not exactly on street. When the big storm hit this was good but mainly it was way overpriced like much of AA.
Larry Berman
Digital Jury Services