An Introduction

Hello all.


I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. 


I've been "lurking" on this site for a couple of months, reading up on a wide variety of topics and learning so much!  I've also been "lurking" on the edges of the art field for quite awhile, working in live theatre and design while also developing my own visual pieces which would probably fall into the category of mixed media.  I enjoy working with collage, mosaics, acrylics, found objects and digital photography (but not usually all together!)     Friends and family have been urging me to take the plunge and begin selling my work and I am now committed to venture forth! 


Thanks to all of the great advice I've gained reading here I feel like I have a handle on what to expect, I've applied to some smaller, local summer shows  and we will see what happens. 


Meanwhile, if anyone is doing a show in Ohio this spring and would like free labor from a volunteer eager to learn how it's done, send me a message. 



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  • Welcome to you, Patricia!

    We enjoy answering any questions you might have, and the offer to volunteer is a great one! I live in Maine, so unfortunately, will not be able to take you up on it, but I can also tell you it is very smart idea to find a veteran to partner up with. I just finished a year of "mentoring" a fellow jeweler- she was a total newbie, and we did a few shows together, at first, then in separate booths, but near each other. Now she is ready to try her hand at going it alone- from show research, booking and on. Being the mentor, it also helped me to streamline my process, weed out the chaff, so to speak, and has made me more tolerant, and less impatient! If you do find a mentor, have fun with it!

    • Thanks for the nice welcome Connie, Jacki and Karole. 

      I've been doing quite a bit of research and plan to start out very slowly and locally.  But I will be attending some of the larger shows this year just to "watch" and research and hopefully I can meet and chat with some of the Art Fair Insiders then. 

      This is a great website - I've learned a lot already :)



  • Welcome Patricia.  We are glad that you have joined us here.  It sounds like you are ready to go.  I think that is a great idea you have, to volunteer to help someone at a show.  That is a great way to learn first hand and I can't imagine someone not appreciating the extra help.  How many shows do you have scheduled for this summer?  There are some very good shows in Ohio, too.  You might also like to go check a few out.  You could use that to ask some of the artists questions as you check their booths out.  Good luck and I hope you have good sales.


    Jacki B

  • Welcome, Patricia. We're glad to have you here, all of us were beginners at one time and we all profited from the help and advice of the established artists. In fact, it is a lot better to ask questions and get advice from the others who have done it than to go out and make all the mistakes ourselves. Right? There isn't enough time to do that.

    That is a great offer to help someone. Why don't you post that as a separate forum discussion - it might get better attention there. It is a wonderful way to learn a lot also. Let's find you another Insider to partner with.

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