Hotel options for Artisphere?
I'm excited to have been accepted to Artisphere next year. I haven't been to that area before. Any suggestions for hotels close to the show, reasonably priced, and with parking for a van?
Read more…I'm excited to have been accepted to Artisphere next year. I haven't been to that area before. Any suggestions for hotels close to the show, reasonably priced, and with parking for a van?
Read more…With just one outdoor show under my belt, I'm ready to try more. I've been accepted into the City Place Art Festival in West Palm Beach, FL on March 5-6, and I'm waiting to hear from the Virginia Beach Boardwalk Art Show on June 16-19. I've selected
Read more…Anyone else concerned that the new location for this show has not been adequately advertised?
I'm a first timer with Howard Alan, any and all advice would be more than welcome.
Thanks, Rosie Sherman
Read more…Click the link below if you think you will get older (or even if you don't believe you will) !
Read more…I have always believed that for that 30$ jury fee, the least the show promoter could do was scribble our score and the cut off score on our dejection letters. That way we could make intelligent choices as to whether we were close enough to make it wo
Read more…Has anyone exhibited at either of the two November Ocean City (NJ) Music Pier shows?
One is titled Holiday Celebration of Arts & Crafts
The other is titled Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival
1. Which show has more buyers?
2. Are buyers at the holiday
I know it's a tradition for photographers selling matted prints to sign the mattes lightly in pencil. But what about prints that aren't in mattes? Metal prints, canvas prints, and so on. I wonder about following the tradition of print makers ove
Read more…These Connecticut shows take place on consecutive weekends, and both involve Saturday-morning set-ups, which I despise. This year, that was about the only similarity between them.
I'm a repesentational oil painter with pieces ranging from 10 inches b
Peddler’s Village
Routes 202 & 263
Lahaska (Bucks County), PA 18931
When: First full weekend of Novem
Read more…I am wondering if any one here has done this show? I know there are, or were, some people here from Louisiana. I just found out about the one in a couple weeks but I can't be there. Just wondering if it's worth trying for the spring. Here is a li
Read more…Are these two different shows, Madison (Wisconsin) On the Square and Off the Square? If they are different, what is the difference? I'm confused.
Read more…We were doing the Gloucester Waterfront festival in Massachusetts last weekend wnd it was an absolutely gorgeous day on saturday... until a micro burst hit us. 20 of the 200 canopies and displays were either heavily damaged or completely destroyed, i
Read more…Well, I just got home from the Glenwood Arts Fest in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood. This was my 9th year and I've been through torrential downpours, wind storms, chilly weather and blistering heat, yet it's always a great turnout. It was so hot
Read more…Has anyone done the Longmont Art Fair in Longmont, Colorado? We are traveling to Montana to Montana where we will do the Sweet Pea Art Fair in Bozeman, so decided to try to get another show on the way. We were accepted to the Longmont Art Fair, Jul
Read more…Any artist who was doing shows in the mid-Atlantic during the end of September/early October know that TS/Hurricane Joaquin coupled with a series of low pressure systems wreaked havoc with plans.
Neptune in Virginia Beach was able to move a 250 artis
Read more…Apple Fest
Kirby’s Mill
PO Box 362
295 Church Road
Medford (Burlington County), NJ 08055
When: Second Saturday of October
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Read more…I'm a fiber artist that makes clothing from nuno felting. Old Town Art fair has a category for fiber yet says they don't accept clothing. Does anyone know what they mean by clothing?
Read more…We thought we would share our experience at the River Clay Fine Arts Festival which was held this past weekend in Decatur, Alabama. This was our third fair, so our frame of reference is limited. This was the first year for this event, but you would n
Read more…I just came across a thread and some books are mentioned. The other day I was here and saw another book recommended.
I was wondering, do we have a book recommendation list? I think this is something so important and useful it could have a link way u
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