I have two Light Dome tents and two easy-up type tents for sale.
The 2 Light Domes both include std awnings, corner awnings, the large rear awnings with extra rods, the little corner awnings, std height and tall legs, lower stabilizing bars and all the bags to put everything in. $5,000 new asking $600.00 for both
The easy-up tents frames are a level up from the Easy-Up brand and have 'waterproof' tops and 'waterproof' sides. The tops and sides cost more than the original tent complete. I threw away the original tops and sides as they will leak. These tents were only used to do shows in AZ and CA. Over $1,000 new asking $250.00.
braddbates@yahoo.com or feel free to call 303-506-4112.
I am between NYC and Philadelphia.
Would you sell one light done and how much would it be?
Paula, I just sold both of the Light Domes.