Hello everyone! 

I'm very curious what the seasoned professionals think?

I'm a total newbie / wantrepreneur 

I never thought of trying to sell my design at art festivals until a local 3D art gallery encouraged me to show it along side their art work. I am now considering it.! 

I've been to lots of art festivals. I know some are very high-end and some are more local art and crafts.

I'm just not sure where I would fit in... if anywhere?

(my design challenge was making the light come from lampshade itself and leaving the glass vase completely unobstructed/water tight so people could decorate it with whatever)

Thank you for your time! Brian




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  • Your choice of wording is confusing. Are you inquiring about selling your lamps or your designs so other's can make them? I'm going to assume you mean selling your lamps.

    Similar questions have been asked here before. Having only one product is not what art shows are about. Besides having a filled booth, you would need to have five or six images for jurying. Can you expand your line to have similar but different products that would work together?

    It would make them easier to see if you uploaded reduced images not more than 600 pixels long dimension. And even better, embed them in your post.

    Larry Berman

    • Thank you for your reply Larry! 

      Sorry for the confusion. My design is my lamp. I'm inquiring about selling them at an art shows. I was encouraged to put a couple of them in a local 3D art gallery.. so I was thinking maybe the next step would be an art show of some sort?

      I've seen some beginner crafts being sold at some art shows. I was assuming I could fit in there somewhere? 

      I'll work on the 600pixels thing and I'm not sure how to embed them but i'll figure it out.

      Thank you Brian

      I uploaded several pics on my profile page... not sure if that'll work?

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