
Lenexa, KS

Your Medium

Oils, acrylics and watercolors

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Chalk and Walk in KC @ Crown Center

What are the best things about art fairs

Beautiful varied artwork, and people

Best show ever and why

One where I didn’t get blown over or rained out.

Worst show ever and why

Set up rain or shine, the fair will go on. An hour later we had to evacuate and we got wiped out with rain, and collapsed tents.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Well, who referred me is not a who. I was researching the possibility of someone available to help set up and tear down a tent. Not for free, of course but I’m almost 70 and it is hard for me to do. It’s what is keeping me from joining more art fares.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I’ve lived in six states.