When Terry Speer and Deborah Banyas and I were sitting at the recent Bayou show (we were doing nothing, no customers) a gentleman walked into our booth and spotted us in the back behind our booths where we has additional awnings  covering us and our artworks.  

Of course we had coolers galore, cookies strewn everywhere, Terry was making a hummus sandwich.  This guy looked at us and said,"Cool! So this is how artists live at shows."

I replied,"This is more like Urban Camping.  We set up our camps, make money off the wandering masses and move on."

This guy thought this was very trey cool.

Then, the Light went on in my fertile little head.

What if we did workshops, charging our clients for the privilege of acting like, being like, participating like an artist at an outdoor art show.

So, here is my scheme brought to you at three levels:  The Basic package for $300,  The Advanced Artist Experience for $600, and finally The Uber-Artist Deluxe Package for $999.00.

Here are sample packages of each.



# A chance to sit in an artist's directors chair in the back of his booth

#The artist will whisper sweet nothings into your ears so that you will get the thrill of replying, as an artist, to potential clients.

#If you chose the Morning shift, you will be invited to the Free Artists' Breakfest.

#You will have your own personally autographed, by the artist, bottle of sparkling water.

#You get to help yourself to whatever the artist has in their cooler, alcoholic beverages not included at this level.

#You will be given an official artist name tag to wear with your own name on it (Unless you are buy/sell, then we will pick one out of the Wikipedia for you).

#You will participate in at least one artist sales transaction.  Think of the thrill of taking a strangers Credit Card and swiping it thru that little Square device.  You even get to "bag" the purchase.

#Afternoon workshop clients get to go to the Artist's Dinner (there will be a $50 surcharge added if dinner is anything more than, hotdogs or cold pizza).  In the event of there being no Artist Dinner, you will get to hang around artist Paul Shatz's van and drink free beer while we discuss such lofty premises like "What is the meaning of all this Giclee Process and is it the end of Painters as we know them?"


I am going to start a second new blog to introduce  the Deluxe Package since I can't format this blog the way I want it.

Stay with me--we are all going to be so rich.


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  • This is great!

  • Too late for this year guys (this weekend) but Art in the Pass in Pass Christian MS has volunteers who help the artists setup and take down. Also has a great Artist welcome party with wine and beer and lots of seafood. No pizza for their artists. www.artinthepass.comm, Can't wait for Friday. If you're on or near the Coast drop by. I'll be in the Pass CHristian Art Association Tent.

  • Happy pickin', Nels.

  • I love it when you guys "Get into the spirit of it"--its like the old saying," A rolling boulder gathers no new customers, but marbles on the booth's front make scrambling customers's pockets easy to pick."

  • Why not add a "Show 101" package and charge for a weekend of load in to load out experiences for those not sure if they are ready to go pro yet? Or better yet, charge the parents of young artists to show their babies just how much work is involved in shows.

  • Oh Barry, you are so right, no refund, the experience alone is worth the cost of the workshop.  I think the experience of hearing people say, "I could do that" as they are leaving the booth would help the "guest artist" gain invaluable experience in holding in their comments and emotions.  The disclaimer should also state that if the "guest artist" physically injures one of the many individuals visiting the booth, you are not responsible for hospital bills, etc. 

  • Love the disclaimer, Barry!

  • The added thrill of setup and takedown is an extra $50 each. I think that would be one of the most popular features. I don't think there should be a refund if they don't sell anything because they get to experience first hand getting rejected by everyone and hearing all the great comments from people as to why they aren't buying your stuff. I think they also need to sign a disclaimer that the artist isn't responsible in case the guest seller physically harms themselves after the experience.

  • I think you should charge for the set up process too.  Come on, give them the whole enchilada!  I would even let them drive my truck up to the parking area and walk back ... no extra charge ... I mean, we always get to park so close to our tents don't we? 


  • Don't forget the added attraction of the storm. For an extra $100 you get to help speedily pack up/tie down anything that might be ruined from water or fly away, get all the sides and awnings down and then for an added bonus pick their favorite tent corner and hang on for dear life!!

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