Looking for compact jewelry display

Looking for compact jewelry display

A lot of jewelers are looking for a compact jewelry display that can fit in a small vehicle yet still look professional for their booth image and to use at better shows.

I've been recommending display cases from Crown Display that break down for transporting but look professional. Is there anything else that anyone can recommend?

Here's a booth picture I took for a jeweler using cases from Crown Display. I also photographed her jewelry and you can see the pictures hanging on the walls of her booth.

Larry Berman

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  • Jennifer,

        First let me say that I am not using any of those systems - I still use glass cases on top of covered tables.  Since I do a variety of shows, it allows me flexibility and it was cheap.  I have seen both abstracta and dynamic display systems in use at shows both inside and out. I like the dynamic display system better - I agree abstracta seems very complicated and time consuming to assemble.  I am in the same quandary you are in.  I have thought about buying portable Arizona cases and stay with the tables.  That way the cases would be lit and would also break down at the end of the show for transport - also expensive.  What I am not sure about with the dynamic display is that they are part plexiglass and part of the display is plastic.  Just not sure.  Hope someone out there actually uses them and can comment.

    • I use abstracta and you wouldn't believe how awesome it is.  After the first time you put it together you never need to look at the little pieces again.  I just keep all of the vertical'ladders' intact, then hold together for transport with a long strip of velcro wrapped around, then all I have to do is lay down a ladder, stick the crossbars on (sticking up like legs of a table upside down, another ladder, more crossbars, etc.  As high as I want then tip up.  The crossbars stay in one of those plastic art canvas carriers that art stores sell.  So.....I can hold the ladders in one hand, the tube slung over my shoulder and that's it.  It takes me less than 15 mins to set up a long one cause it's so easy.  I attached a pic of an old, small display, then of how I completely changed it for another show.301640014?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024


      Just a thought.


      Sue McNenly301641054?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • also  www.dynamicdisplaysystems.com
    • I looked at all companies online.  Crown has a very good video that shows how easy it is to put together.  But I'd still have to come up with some type of pedestal / table for them.  Abstracta I think is way too complicated for me to put together - too many little parts.  I really like Dynamic Displays but it's really expensive.  I'm so frustrated.  I hate buying something I have never seen especially when it's so expensive.  Anyone have some feedback on these units?  Ideally I was looking for displays I could use indoors & outdoors.  I just don't want to spend all this money and it look cheap and it doesn't age well with use.
  • Larry,
    Abstracta makes nice breakdown displays- I have seen several types of their systems, and they are customizable, too.
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